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Many years ago, an informal national survey was done to determine the Top 10 wealthiest people in funeral service.

However, it had nothing to do with wealth accumulated or notoriety gained. It had everything to do with helping others along in the profession.

The people on that list were those who had given the most in terms of their personal time, personal funds and their talent (what they were good at in the business) to help others move forward in their career.

Names that you likely have heard but may never have met. I recall reading the names and thinking that the folks on the list reflected two Biblical passages: “To whom much is given, much will be expected” and “Blessed are those who give freely of their Time, Talent and their Treasure.”

Serving others first is why we are put here on this planet. It’s especially true for those of us that have chosen the funeral profession. That word “First” separates the real intent of people.

If you ever come across that list and read the names, I think you would agree that “first” applies in full measure to each of them.

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The ADDvantage Casket Company, LLC
Main Office & NC Distribution Center
3209 Wellington CT – Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27615

Regional Distribution Center
Hickory, NC

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International Cemetary Cremation and Funeral Assocation.
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