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More and more we need a password to do almost anything.

From ATMs to E-Bay if we don’t have the right password, we don’t get access. Simple, easy enough – BUT there are sometimes complicated guidelines to getting the right password and if we don’t follow them, we still can’t get in. “I was sure that was the right password”; “What do you mean I can’t use those 2 symbols or the same letter more than once”?

And because there are so many dishonest people trying to taking something that’s not theirs the 2 step authentication was developed – a safeguard sure, but truthfully a pain in the neck!

So what’s the password for your funeral home business? Do you even have one?

The old one used repeatedly in our industry was <em><strong>Service</strong><strong>.</strong></em> That was the password generated by your firm.

And all the statements with unspoken meanings that went along with it…“Service since 1922”…“Our family serving your family”, etc.
However in 2021 what password could you use in the context of your business? “Open 24 hrs.” “Air-conditioned chapel”, “Crematory on-site”, “Serving all Faiths”?

Today’s consumer wants to know your business password to feel they can “get in” as a customer. And those owners who don’t know their own business password but haven’t shared it with the public through a solid marketing program run the risk of keeping their current and future customers locked out.

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The ADDvantage Casket Company, LLC
Main Office & NC Distribution Center
3209 Wellington CT – Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27615

Regional Distribution Center
Hickory, NC

We Are Proud Members of

South Carolina Funeral Directors Association Established 1898. Palm tree on brown
International Cemetary Cremation and Funeral Assocation.
Virginia Funeral Sales Association logo